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Posts from the ‘New York Post’ Category


Rainy Newspapering and Morning Prayer (Friday Morning Coffee)

morning coffee graphicNo matter the incredible advances in news delivery, whether via iPads, Android tablets, Microsoft Surface(s), or smartphones, holding an actual printed newspaper in my hands continues to be my favorite vehicle to get the news. You know that I am a very big proponent of delivering news and information via the Internet. Yet, holding the New York Post in my hands, flipping through its pages, using a real pencil to complete word puzzles, and cutting interesting articles out is still one of my favorite daily activities.

Earlier this week, I waxed on about my love for the New York Times crossword puzzle. I tried doing the puzzle online, but I never found much enjoyment. However, either printing it out via the Times Reader app or buying the paper and folding it open, I find it relaxing and invigorating.

Yes, this comes from a man who encourages use of tablets to download our worship services every weekend. My mantra of supporting eBook purchases for instant mental stimulation and gratification has never lessened. But when it comes to the early morning ritual, nothing seems to be holding the newspaper in my hand and flipping pages. Granted, I’ve tried the New York Post’s iPad app and like it a lot. I have a growing affection for the New York Times and Wall Street Journal apps. To me, they still cannot equal the satisfaction of holding the printed news word in my hand.

Even on days like today, when the rain is falling and opening a tablet would be so much easier to read the morning newspaper, I sit here in the living room awaiting the sound of the newspaper being dropped on the driveway.

Morning Prayer at 7:15am

This weekend, we are pulling our weekly devotion from our bulletin to revamp it. It is not that we don’t want to publish one, but we need to change it up a bit. Since we did not complete the changes, and I do not want to publish a half-hearted devotion, we aren’t publish a devotion this week..

Instead, next week, I encourage you to follow our online Morning Prayer readings at the church website.

And if you are in the area of the church at 7:15am, you are more than welcome to join us for Morning Prayer this morning.

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Why I Love the Post

The MTA is raising subway, train, and toll fares (which makes this New Jersey resident angry). New York State is layoff nearly 9,000 workers. The economy in our region is in not-so-hot shape. And the top story in the great New York Post this morning?


The Swedish countess divorce trial!! To be honest, this story captivated me a while ago when it came out this countess was not happy with a divorce settlement figure of $36 Million. Why? She needed more money to live!!

I really love the Post!!


Canceling My Newspaper Subscriptions

This week, I canceled my home delivery subscription to the New York Post. To many of you, this must come as a shock. For as long as I can remember since being called to Saint Matthew’s, I have been a home delivery subscriber to the Post and have extolled the virtues to anyone who would listen of becoming a reader of New York’s best newspaper.

However, the Post made a change in their newspaper distribution rules this week that has caused me to end my lifeline to the Post. 

Whereby once I received the Post’s “Sports Extra” edition – the paper that is put to bed around 11pm, 12am – that included local East Coast sports scores and stories, now due to the change in how they distribute their newspapers, I would only receive the “Metro Edition” which is their first edition that goes to bed rather early, around 7, 8pm. Why would I waste my money on buying a newspaper that didn’t have sports scores in it?

So, I canceled my subscription this week.

I’ve pondered an electronic edition subscription, but right now, I am sticking to the Post’s website.

Also this week, I called up the New York Times and canceled my home delivery of the Sunday paper. I have a two-pronged reason for this: One, I hate their liberal editorial stance on everything and, two, it doesn’t make too much sense to pay more than $2 bucks than the newsstand price to have the paper delivered.

Last fall, I canceled my subscription to the Record, our local newspaper. I just couldn’t accept their increase in home delivery rates. I do pick it up once or twice a week, leaning mostly to once. Like the Post, I stick to their website for news.

Right now, I have the Wall Street Journal home delivered. Last spring, I purchased a yearly subscription at a severe discount that bundled access to their website. This subscription comes up for renewal soon and I will be canceling then.

Within a short time, for the first time since I started reading a newspaper as a kid, I will not be a regular newspaper reader.

For me, this is weird and will take time getting used to it.


Yankees … Mets … I Know

I know – the season is over for my beloved Yankees. Thirteen consecutive seasons of making the playoffs are now history. Peter Abraham over at The Journal News has compiled a chart that will make every Yankees fan sick. I got me a little quesy.

But the Mets are still in the hunt, even though their bullpen is trying its hardest to prevent them from making the playoffs. They won last night because of the arm of Johann Santana. From Mike Puma in the NY Post:

Johan Santana gave a demonstration of the Heimlich Maneuver last night that should be posted in every kennel as the proper method to saving a choking dog.

There is no guarantee the Mets still won’t gag this thing away, but for one night the breathing was free and simple. Santana pitched a gem, the offense clicked and the bullpen got three outs. What more can you ask?

As a Yankees fan, do I want the Mets to make the playoffs? Of course.

I don’t hate the Mets.

I hate the Red Sox, who clinched a playoff berth last night.



The Yankees converted baseball’s highest cathedral into the world’s largest commode last night.

The opening line of George King’s article in this morning’s New York Post. Ouch.

Guess that’s what the last-place Yankees deserve when they lose 13-2 to the Orioles.



Madison Square Garden has been a under the microscope this week. First, they settled a sexual harassment lawsuit with a former worker, costing its owners $11.6 Million. Then yesterday, the New York Times reported on the apparent tense relationship between the New York Rangers and the New York Knicks, which isn’t very close even though they train a few feet from one another over in Westchester.

Today, Page Six of the New York Post piles on with their political cartoon:


I know – this really has nothing to do with church or God. But as a sports fan, I am like one of those people driving past on the highway looking at an accident. I just can’t take my eyes off of the Garden mess.