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Posts tagged ‘free exercise of religion’


The Intersection of Church and State :: A Contemporary Documentary

The national debate over the role of government intrusion in the rights of Americans to live their religious beliefs out in their lives comes to a head this Sunday. The LCMS has partnered with other Christian leaders to present a documentary that will air on Fox Business Network called “The Intersection of Church and State.”

From the website:

The public debate centering on issues of church and state has been growing in recent years. The prominence and the potential of these issues make their appearance a regular item in headlines. The recent decision of the Health and Human Services Department to require health plans of religious institutions to pay for contraception is only one example. The Supreme Court convenes and decides the controversial issues with growing regularity. Politicians line up on both sides of the issues, adding to the rancor…

The Intersection of Church and State explores the history of this issue, especially in light of the First Amendment, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”

This groundbreaking program will suggest that a far superior metaphor in describing the church-state relationship is not one using a wall or barrier but, instead, an intersection, which benefits us all.

The show airs on the Fox Business Network on Sunday, September 30 beginning at 5pm Eastern. Following the airing, the show will be made available on its companion website free for downloading. During the coming weeks, we will take time at church to watch this very important documentary.

The Intersection of Church and State :: A Contemporary Documentary: “”
